Bender Wellness
Wellness Freelance. BE WELL WITH CHEL Resiliency, Nurturing Connections, Authenticity, Self Care, Financial Fundamentals
Spinal Flow Stories Around the World


Spinal Flow Technique is available to every person and animal.

Although new to many ears, has been practice mainly in Australia, Bali and around the world for more than 25 years.

Encouraging the body to be in a state of rest, digest and healing, the nervous system communicates to the brain, it is safe.

Allowing the body to experience more of it's natural flow, encourging the release of unconscious patterns and blockages. 

It is my experience, every body is constantly in a state of healing.... and doing it's very best to win.

However, when we have chemical, physical or emotional blockages, we are not living in our full expression of health and the body expresses it's untrue nature through attitudes, physical pain and emotional distraught confusion.

When we invite the natural flow....all the pieces can come together, functionally and structurally.

Today, I am part of a worldwide community that is literally touching the world. 

The first story that inspired me, was of Dr. Carli speaking of the baby boy born premature with double meningitis.

And the story of working at the Texas Spine Institute, helping 85% of surgery expectants to not need surgery.

Story after story, it's my intention for this community to flourish and grow in our knowledge of our innate potential.

Dr. Carl, began as a Chiropractor more than 25 years ago and through many years dove deep into many aspects.

She says today, she feels Spinal Flow is a combination of so many healing potentials, including Osteo.

Spinal Flow encourages your body to flow with it's innate wisdom to heal it's self.

By calming the nervous system, via gentle touch on the access points, located on the sacrum (tailbone) and a few on the head, the body is encouraged to do what it is naturally designed to do. That process will look different for each person or animal.

If you would like to hear more about the stories below, or have an personal consultation, it's best to send me a quick email to schedule time.

A few of my favorites stories, for some, this feels yummy, like "no talk therapy", to support other choosen therapies.

Offering another layer of ease.

  • Kate: Helping Brian after his bike accident.
  • Helping Cali dog run the beach uphill, after a surgery left her paralyze.
  • Small Child receiving Chemo Treatments
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Mental Health
  • Emotional Support 


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